Today we are giving information about 8 online dictionaries available online.
Google Dictionary
An easy way for students to find the definition of any word online is Google Dictionary. To use this, first of all go to any browser and do Google search.
Now type ‘define’ in front of the word you want to know and click on the search button. Now you will see the definition of the word, examples of usage, synonyms and antonyms, origin of the word, translation, graph showing the use of the word over time and many other things.
When you search for a word on this website, you will see the meaning with pronunciation, synonyms and antonyms, examples of the word being used in sentences, articles using the word, history and etymology of the word.
Apart from this, grammar, confusion caused by the use of words, popular words will also appear on the website. For those who are interested in words, the website also features vocabulary tests, crossword games, spelling quizzes, etc.
This website has a huge collection of synonyms and antonyms of the word. Besides, when you search any word here, the meaning and pronunciation of that word, proverbs related to that word, etc. appear.
In addition, you will also see the words that others are eating recently. You will also see a list of words that have become famous by many people.
This website provides various effects in terms of meaning, pronunciation, synonyms and antonyms, video, picture, sound when searching for any word.
The website has facilities for users to add words themselves, add usages of words etc.
In addition, various educational materials such as infographics, metaphors, jakes related to different languages are also available.
The meaning of words on this website, apart from usage, additional features such as; Materials for learning grammar, English dictionary, English-French dictionary, English-German dictionary, English-Hindi dictionary and other language dictionaries are also available.
Also, games and learning materials related to words are available.
This is a suitable dictionary to look up these sentences. When searching for any word here, appropriate sentences used in various newspapers, journals, official documents, scientific articles, blogs etc. will appear.
Also, no matter what language you write in, this website automatically translates to English and shows the appropriate sentence.
This is a website with multilingual and translation facility. This website also provides dictionaries of different languages.
Any word can be discussed and debated on this website. Where you will get answers to your queries or questions from experts in the respective languages.
This website is suitable if you also want something visual while looking for the meaning of the word. This website uses any word like name; The visual shows the meaning, definition, usage, synonyms and antonyms, facts related to the word, etc.
This dictionary has identified itself as a modern dictionary of modern times. This website uses visuals to help students understand a word.